1,001 Great Ways To Get Better (Hb)

When you're ill, your GP can only do so much to help you recover - the rest is up to you. Thanks to 1,001 Great Ways To Get Better, you needn't feel helpless or alone. This comprehensive reference book is packed with medically-approved tips for the day-to-day care of every common illness and condition. Remember, illness and injury can strike at any time - when they do, make sure you have this invaluable book to hand for a speedy return to health. Suitable for people who want to take control of their own or their family's recovery from sickness, this guide to getting better faster from dozens of major and minor ailment is packed with advice from nurses, physiotherapists and other key health professionals whose day-to-day work is making people well.

Product Overview
ISBN 9780276446481
Categories Health and Wellness, Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction: Lifestyle
Author(s) Readers Digest
Publisher Readers Digest
Weight 1.5 kg