Barb Wire: Steel Harbor Blues Book 1

Hard as nails and hot as hell, badass bounty hunter Barb Wire rides the meanest streets of America's toughest town: Steel Harbor, USA. Barb tracks gangsters who can punch through walls and crush cars like beer cans, but it's nothing personal, just business. It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it! The bitch is back! The comic book that inspired the motion picture, "Barb Wire" returns with pedal-to-the-metal action and full-metal-jacket girl power! Written by series creator Chris Warner and drawn by "Catwoman" and "Spider-Girl "artist Patrick Olliffe. *This book may have remainder mark*

Product Overview
ISBN 9781616558727
Categories Fiction, Graphic Novels and Comics
Author(s) Art Baltazar
Publisher Dark Horse
Weight 0.28 kg