*Building Engaged Team Performance

The bestselling coauthor of The Six Sigma Way explains the next wave of business improvement: Driving breakthrough gains using "the people side" of performance in productivity initiatives. Harness the Power of Your MostValuable Resource-Your Workforce!Process improvement approaches likeSix Sigma and Lean Enterprise haveworked wonders for countless organizations,but in the drive for true excellence,these approaches are only one important partof the formula. Building Engaged Team Performanceexplains the next wave of businessimprovement: driving breakthrough gains byintegrating process improvement with "thepeople side" of performance.Breaking new ground in the world oforganizational improvement, performance managementexpert Dodd Starbird teams upwith Roland Cavanagh, coauthor of the bestsellingThe Six Sigma Way, to present a systemfor aligning and optimizing processes andthe efforts of any organization's most valuableasset: people.Combining the principles from TotalQuality Management (TQM), Six Sigma,Lean, and Socio-Technical Systems, EngagedTeam Performance helps you harness the massivepotential of human performance that isnot captured by process improvements alone.Illustrated through real-life stories, BuildingEngaged Team Performance offers a stepby-step program that shows you how youcan more than double the productivity of yourbusiness. The authors' client examples are adiverse group of transactional and manufacturingorganizations that have used EngagedTeam Performance to:Increase employee efficiency by 50%and save millions of dollarsConsistently deliver on criticalcustomer requirementsProvide visual data for instantdecision making* Create realistic staffing modelsfor sustainable capacityEstablish standards for both team andindividual performanceDevelop leadership that facilitates teamownership of executionBuilding Engaged Team Performance providesthe tools for building a superior systemthat optimizes effectiveness of outcomes forcustomers and efficiency of resource usage.Never before have human performance andprocess improvement been so closely linked ina single, sustainable method. Catch the nextwave of business improvement with EngagedTeam Performance.Praise for Building Engaged Team Performance"The Engaged Team Performance effort that we undertook has allowed us toreshape our process from start to finish and improve both productivity andthe communication among multiple departments."Art Bacci, President & CEO, Principal Bank"This book provides practical insights on building competencies of changeleaders throughout the organization."Dr. William D. Trotter, Managing Director,Association of Internal Management Consultants (AIMC)"By embedding these concepts into organizational culture, systems, and processes,a group of individuals may become a winning team."Dan Bell, President, Canon Information Technology Services"When I led a division at GE during the heyday of Six Sigma, process excellenceand team performance were both critical; yet they were considered differentdisciplines, supported by separate infrastructure. Engaged Team Performancecombines and aligns the best of both, and it delivers even betterresults."C. Lewis Fain, President, Mortgage Payment Protection, Inc."If your strategic vision includes words like growth, customer loyalty,value creation, responsiveness, quality, expertise, partnership, accountability,efficiency, or best in class, then Building Engaged Team Performance has tobe part of the foundation. Without it you're just creating a house of cards."Rick Larson, CEO, VFD Technologies

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Product Overview
ISBN 9780071742269
Categories Business and Economics, Highlight, New Arrivals, Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction: Personal Development
Author(s) Dodd Starbird
Publisher McGraw-Hill Education - Europe
Weight 0.56 kg