Spirit Of China (Hb)

Uncover the enigma that is China! This stunning book explores the contrasting facets of this exciting nation through the medium of the five elements that are central to Chinese cosmology. Related to many aspects of Chinese history, philosophy and lifestyle, the five elements serve as starting points for you to explore this unique country. Earth This section reviews the rich variety of terrain in China, as well as the people and animals that inhabit these contrasting regions. We discover plains and plateaus, mountains and volcanoes, deserts and fertile river deltas, cultivated land and wild coastline. Water China is washed by the waters of the South China Sea, the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. Inland the country is criss-crossed by rivers, the arteries of the nation, while beautiful lakes and waterfalls sparkle in many a different landscape. Fire Representing inspiration, excitement and creativity, here art, literature, calligraphy, inventions, cuisine, religion, medicine, emperors and great philosophers such as Confucius take centre-stage. Wood An exploration of jungles, woodlands and bamboo forests in China and the people and animals that live there. This section also reveals fascinating facts about forestry, timber and the countless uses of wood, including paper-making. Metal Metal is the medium of the toolmaker and so buildings rise, cities grow, bridges span rivers and roads create vital transport links. In the final section great cities such as Beijing, the vibrant ports of Shanghai and Hong Kong, ancient Xian, famous for its Terracotta Army, as well as fantastic feats of engineering like the Great Wall of China, all find their place.

Product Overview
ISBN 9781407525143
Categories Bargain Corner, Below PHP300, Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction: Lifestyle, Travel
Author(s) Gill Davies
Publisher Parragon Book Service Ltd
Weight 1.55 kg